Obstetric ultrasound is currently utilised as part of routine pregnancy care. It is considered a safe examination without any known risks to the mother or baby.

Ultrasound can be performed at various stages of the pregnancy and common types of examinations include:

  • Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound
    A nuchal translucency ultrasound is a specialised examination used to assess for pregnancies that are at an increased risk of a chromosomal abnormality.
  • Morphology Ultrasound (Second Trimester)
    Also known as a 19 – 20 week anatomy or anomaly scan, the morphology is considered to be the standard screening ultrasound exam used as part of the routine obstetric care that all patients should receive.
  • Third Trimester / Growth Ultrasound
    In many cases the second trimester morphology ultrasound may be the final diagnostic scan in your pregnancy but in some cases follow up imaging may be required.

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